PTO Meetings
Our PTO holds monthly meetings and all South Davis family members are invited and encouraged to attend. This is a great way to stay informed, learn more about South Davis, and meet other parents!
Meetings typically include updates from the PTO president, principal, and PTO teacher representative along with information on upcoming events and any current issues that impact our students. We encourage everyone to share their ideas and concerns during our meetings.
2023-2024 Meeting Dates
Thursday September 14 @ 6:30pm
Thursday October 19 @ 6:30pm
Tuesday November 14 @ 9:30am
Thursday January 18 @ 6:30pm
Thursday February 8 @ 6:30pm
Tuesday March 12 @ 9:30 am
Thursday April 18 @ 6:30pm
Thursday May 16 @ 6:30pm
Thursday June 6 @ 6:30pm
Meeting dates are subject to change - please check the Calendar for updates.
Location information will be shared with members prior to each meeting.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13