PTO Fundraising
Along with membership fees and member donations, our PTO uses fundraising activities to support our mission. The funds we raise are used to provide a variety of resources, including classroom enrichment programs (Mr. Morton's Animals and Sunrise Ecology/Earth Spirit), educational programs (DARE), and school and playground equipment. We also use these funds to offer fun family events such as the Halloween Bash/Trunk or Treat and Holiday House in December.
Our major fundraiser, South Davis Fun Run (Previously Movin’ & Groovin’) is held in the fall and provides a large part of our yearly budget. Other fundraising activities include:
- Square 1 Art
- Book Fairs
- Fowler's Chocolate Sale
- Basket Auctions
- Box Tops in Education
We work closely with the South Davis administration and faculty to determine how we can use our funds to support all students. Each year we identify the programs and resources we want to support and allocate funds to them in our annual budget. PTO members are invited to vote on the budget in June for the following school year.
We also work closely with our members to organize our fundraising activities and encourage all of our members to help by volunteering and/or participating whenever possible. We can't do it without you!
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13